Motherhood, Moods . . .

It’s hard for me to believe that this blog has been in existence since March of 2011. At the time, I was a stay-at-home mom to two young boys, trying to find my way as a musician in the San Francisco music scene at the age of 43. I spent a lot of time fixating on my deficits – lack of time, lack of accomplishments, lack of social skills, etc. The only thing I could do, as I attempted to chronicle my life and growth as an artist in an interesting way, was to turn it all on its head and try to see the positive in the negative. It’s a skill I continue to work on, but there are some older blog entries where I think I really convey the idea of taking the bad and seeing the good in it, even if the good is just having a laugh at the absurdity of it all. Here then, are some blog entries that do just that.

Portrait of the Artist as a Guilt Ridden Mother

In Praise of the Power of Failure

The Mindful Pessimist: Counting My Miseries (and how it could be worse)

The Rebellious Introvert

Housewife Army

And the rest . . .

If I created a pie chart breakdown of the content of this blog it would look something like this

70 % – Blatant self-promotion thinly disguised as slice-of-life writing.

17% – Straight up complaining about the ineffectiveness of the self promotion.

2% – Promoting other artists’ work, purely altruistic.

11% – Movies, movies, movies and some TV because I really like movies.

I have written a lot about movies – movies I’ve watched, movies I’d like to see made, and of course the actors who star in the movies I like. Here’s a compendium of my movie posts.

My Shelter in Place Diversion – Every Film Featuring Jeremy Irons

My Name is Paula, and I Have Watched War Horse

Living La Vida Loki

A Movie, Some Music . . .

Fleas! The Movie (?)

Television Reboots That Will Never Happen

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